Face IT voor jongeren/Young People Face IT

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This project is the core of my PhD. Young People (YP) Face IT ( https://www.ypfaceit.co.uk/) was developed by Heidi Williamson at the Centre for Appearance Research, Bristol, England. YP Face IT is an online intervention for adolescents with a visible difference. In eight sessions adolescents get taught techniques from social skills training and cognitive behavioural therapy. The aim of the intervention is to reduce social anxiety and improve body esteem.

The current project consists of three phases:

  1. Translate YP Face IT to Dutch and develop the Dutch website ( www.faceitvoorjongeren.nl)
  2. Fifteen adolescents follow the program and participate in interviews assessing the acceptability and feasibility of the program
  3. A Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) testing the effectiveness of the program. Main outcome measures are social anxiety and body esteem. Adolescents are randomised to either Face IT voor jongeren/YP Face IT or care as usual. Measurements include a baseline, direct follow-up and three months follow-up. Recruitment for the RCT is ongoing.
Marije van Dalen
Marije van Dalen
Postdoctoral Researcher

My research interests include the mental health and well-being of adolescents with a chronic illness.
